Click here for the Respect in Sport Parent Program
Since the introduction of the Respect in Sport Parent Program, ALLIANCE Hockey has considered expanding the reach and scope of the Respect initiatives in the ALLIANCE, not only from the perspective of education, but also awareness.
A recurring theme which has been communicated at almost every Council Meeting over the last few years has been the message of ‘Respect in Hockey’ and opportunities to enhance education and awareness of the message with all stakeholders, to improve the Minor Hockey experience.
Several branches across the country including the OMHA have made the Respect in Sport (RIS) Parent Program mandatory. Hockey Alberta became the first fully integrated Respect Branch requiring Team Officials, Parents and On-Ice Officials to complete Respect training and many others have since followed suit.
Data from participants regarding resistance/post certification responses has been positive.
"Many people went into the program with a negative attitude, and ultimately came out as advocates,"
"Almost everyone agrees that the culture needs to change, and they believe that Respect in Sport can help contribute to that change."
The Mandate:
The ALLIANCE Hockey Executive Committee submitted Notice of Motion 2014-13, which was reviewed and ratified on June 5, 2014, and subsequently presented then amended by the membership at the ALLIANCE Hockey AGM on June 7, 2014:
All ALLIANCE Hockey 2000 and younger birth year participants who participate in a League must have one parent/guardian complete the Hockey Canada Respect in Sport Parent Program prior to their child’s/children’s participation in ALLIANCE Hockey.
Full implementation will foster and develop a culture of mutual respect in ALLIANCE Hockey and serve as an effective risk management tool as well as contributing to the overall safety and enjoyment of the game by all participants.
$12 per family (one parent/guardian certified per family and other parent, step parents, grandparents, kids, etc. can take the program for free by using the certified parent username and password).
Payment is made on-line with a credit card at the time of registration. (Pay Pal is utilized for this function but a Pay Pal account is not required and does not have to be created)
I have completed the Respect in Sport Activity Leader Program/Speak Out, is this sufficient for satisfying the Parent Program as well?
The Parent Program is tailored to the Role of the parent, providing information specific to the parental involvement, while the Activity Leader Program has a different focus. During the introduction of the module, the differences are outlined. While there are some commonalities in messaging, the message is positive, and is only reinforced through repetition.
Why am I required to complete the Program?
In addition to being an ALLIANCE Hockey mandated condition of participation, it provides tools to deal with various situations that could arise in the course of your child’s participation in hockey, both as a parent, and in any leadership role you may have. This is a positive program to make good parents better, and will empower all of the good parents in the organization. Beyond hockey, this will contribute to the greater good of all parents in the wider community. This is also a significant step toward the long-term goals of social and cultural changes.
What will happen if I do not complete it by the specified compliance deadline?
After the deadline for compliance, participation may be denied until such time as the program has been completed.
How do I complete the Parent Program?
The program is accessed through the ALLIANCE Hockey website. CLICK HERE FOR LINK.
It is a one hour online curriculum with both audio and visual features that allows flexibility and does not have to be completed in one session.
Is this required every year?
No, once you have completed it you are certified and there are currently no plans for requalification/recertification.
My child was not born in a birth year above 2000 and is a registered player, am I still required to complete the Program?
Completion of the Parent Program is only required for parents/guardians of players at the 2000 birth year and younger who participate in a League.
What if the household/individual has no access to a computer/internet?
Most public libraries provide internet access as do many local Recreation Centres. Other options include schools and friends.
What if I have dial-up internet connection?
The program is designed to be accessible by either high speed or dial-up.
What if I do not have strong computer literacy skills?
Utmost attention to detail was taken to ensure the program was designed to make the program user friendly. If issues do arise there is online help available as well as a 24/7 1-800 support number.
Porting My Profile from another Hockey Association to ALLIANCE Hockey:
If you have previously completed the Respect in Sport Parent Program through another governing body, you may transfer (port) your certification and profile to the ALLIANCE Hockey Respect in Sport, data-base. Porting details are available on the ALLIANCE Hockey website.