Sponsor logo will be prominently displayed on BCHL website and social media channels for the season as well as in all print and media promotions. Your name/logo will also be displayed on every team jersey in all divisions of our House League program. All sponsor logos will be included on league wide communications. You are also invited to all BCHL events to set up a promotional table and/or hand out information/giveaways.
Little Saints Program Sponsor $500.00
Sponsor logo will be prominently displayed on BCHL website for the season. Sponsor name/logo will be printed on all division jerseys and included on league wide communications. In addition, sponsor will be recognized on all communications re: The Little Saints Program. Sponsor will also be recognized during Little Saints Christmas and Year End events.
Shinny Program Sponsor $500.00
Sponsor logo will be prominently displayed on BCHL website for the season. Sponsor name/logo will be printed on all jerseys and included on league wide communications.
House League Team Sponsor $300
Sponsor logo will be prominently displayed on BCHL website for the season. Sponsor name/logo will be included on league wide communications. In addition, sponsor logo will be placed on each jersey of one (1) house league team (approx. size 3½ x 3½).
House League Division Sponsor $1200
Sponsor logo will be prominently displayed on BCHL website for the season. All sponsor logos will be included on league wide communications. In addition, sponsor logo will be placed on each house league jersey within one (1) division x four or six teams, depending on the division. (approx. size 3½ x 3½).
Take A Shot Hockey SPONSOR – Any Amount
Sponsor logo will be prominently displayed on BCHL specialty designed Take A Shot Hockey jerseys for the season. All sponsor logos will also be included on league wide communications, social networking, TV Promotions and other events associated with this program.
Tournament of Friends TITLE SPONSOR $5000.00
Sponsor logo will be prominently displayed on our BCHL main website as well as the Tournament of Friends Website. Your name/logo will be included in multiple e-blasts to our hundreds of participants leading up to and for the duration of the tournament as well as in all media promotions. Sponsors are encouraged to provide coupons, flyers, gifts, etc. in the Tournament of Friends Team Welcome Packages.
Tournament of Friends Online Sponsor $250
Sponsor logo will be displayed on the Online Tournament of Friends Website. All Tournament promotions will be included in regular e-blasts to our hundreds of participants for the duration of the tournament. Sponsors are encouraged to provide coupons, flyers, gifts, etc. in the Tournament of Friends Team Welcome Packages.
BCHL Select Team Sponsorships
BCHL also offers sponsorship opportunities within our BCHL Saints Select Teams. Sponsorship and fundraising initiatives are managed by the individual Select Teams. To sponsor a specific Select team, please contact the Director of Select at [email protected].
BCHL Angel Fund – Unlimited $
This fund is dedicated to assist players in need who do not qualify for funding from other Financial Assistance programs. All monetary donations to this fund are accepted. Please contact [email protected] for more information or send donations to [email protected]
Community Partner
In-kind cross-promotion partnerships are always welcome at BCHL. Please contact [email protected] for more information.
To download this form and submit a sponsorship, please CLICK HERE